Thursday, September 28, 2006


New Readings Archive

I just posted the new readings online, which were scanned this morning. (I haven't obtained the readings they were scanning for Darcy, so I decided to go ahead and post a new archive now, and Darcy can make substitutions later in the weeks we talk about "Erupt" or "Melt")

These are .zip archives which might work better than .tar. I posted them as two separate archives; download "" first. Still, please use Acrobat as your reader, since other readers had trouble with the previous archive.

Also: To help understand the basics of linear elastic fracture mechanics (e.g. to supplement the readings of Atkinson, Costin), I found the following web site to be OK. We don't want to get too bogged down in J-integrals, other somewhat esoteric concepts, but it's important to be exposed to the basics.

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There are some juicy readings in Supplements, for those who enjoy doing midnight browsing of scientific papers.

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