Sunday, October 15, 2006


Melosh 2006 reading (SiO2 ANEOS)

Craig won't be able to make it to lead the Melosh 2006 MAPS discussion.

Any takers? When Craig gets back he'll be able to show some of the phase behavior of ANEOS, so it can be a partial discussion for now, and more later.


p.s. If I recall correctly Cathy is leading Melosh 2003, Shawn is leading Housen and Holsapple 1999, Nancy is leading Melosh Chapter 3, and Don is leading Melosh equation of state appendix... But unfortunately I forgot to write this down, so please comment to this entry if I got this wrong!!

Thanks Darcy for offering to do this. It's a great paper! I have a copy of this ANEOS model if you ever want to use it, by the way.
Hi Erin,

Let me know if you are still having trouble posting.


Thanks for the great discussion posting for Melosh Chapter 4. This is a good example of what the rest of you should be doing for this class.

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