Friday, October 20, 2006


New Volcanology for Oct 30

Howdy Y'all,

For Monday 23rd we are reading Campbell 2006 and Takahashi 1981. These are kind of lengthy papers so don't leave them to Sunday night! (Campbell 2006 is the published version, provided by Cathy, of Campbell 2005).

I have incorporated the above and some new readings into the zipped archives. Go get 'em as usual: ftp, anon, ftp4u, cd pub, get *.zip

In "" you will find Campbell 2006 and the following readings provided by Darcy, whose suggestions for the Oct 30th readings are excellent. In addition we will revisit Melosh 2005 SiO2 ANEOS if Craig is back then.

"Hi, Erik. I've attached three papers--

1.) Alidibirov & Dingwell on decompression rates and magma fragmentation

2.) A Kieffer paper describing volcanic jets (similar to the Satellites paper but not exactly that one since I don't have it)

3.) Kieffer describing plume simulations on Mars, Earth, Venus.

My suggestion is for class to read Adibirov & Dingwell, Kieffer 1984 on Jets, and Ken's paper. In the "extra reading" put the 1995 Kieffer simulations paper, as it's tangential to what we're talking about in class.

This can take us nicely through a selection of strain rate dependent processes in volcanism--

The A&D paper presents the issue of rate dependent magma behavior, a nice example of strain rates and conduit behavior. Kieffer 1984 presents what is effectively a fluid dynamics treatment of rate dependent flow of a mixture of rock and gas. Ken's paper covers a variety of rate dependent issues after this high speed flow surges laterally above ground.

It's important to note that these papers are not a representative slice of physical volcanology papers. They are simply some examples of rate dependence in some volcanological phenomena.


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