Monday, October 30, 2006


Readings for Monday November 6

Here are about 5 hours of readings for you. More if you give them a good read. Don't put it off, give yourself time to skim them, then read them, then re-skim them before class.

Some are fundamentals; others are major curiosities; all are fun!

Anybody want to claim these papers for leading discussions? 2 of them are taken (Collins and Melosh; Pope et al.), but the rest are up for grabs.

Melosh 1989 Chapter 5 (2 hour)
Collins and Melosh 2003 (1 hour)
Spray 97 (30 min)
Spray and Thompson 95 (30 min)
Pope et al. 2006 (1 hour)


Fragmentation of magmas

The elastic modului are very temperature dependent. But I don't see any comment on this in the Aldibirov & Dingwell paper. And the tensile strength of a melt is talked about in that paper but does not appear to be defined. So, I'd like to discuss how temperature dependence will affect the analyses, and how tensile strength is arrived at for a viscoelastic fluid.

Friday, October 20, 2006


New Volcanology for Oct 30

Howdy Y'all,

For Monday 23rd we are reading Campbell 2006 and Takahashi 1981. These are kind of lengthy papers so don't leave them to Sunday night! (Campbell 2006 is the published version, provided by Cathy, of Campbell 2005).

I have incorporated the above and some new readings into the zipped archives. Go get 'em as usual: ftp, anon, ftp4u, cd pub, get *.zip

In "" you will find Campbell 2006 and the following readings provided by Darcy, whose suggestions for the Oct 30th readings are excellent. In addition we will revisit Melosh 2005 SiO2 ANEOS if Craig is back then.

"Hi, Erik. I've attached three papers--

1.) Alidibirov & Dingwell on decompression rates and magma fragmentation

2.) A Kieffer paper describing volcanic jets (similar to the Satellites paper but not exactly that one since I don't have it)

3.) Kieffer describing plume simulations on Mars, Earth, Venus.

My suggestion is for class to read Adibirov & Dingwell, Kieffer 1984 on Jets, and Ken's paper. In the "extra reading" put the 1995 Kieffer simulations paper, as it's tangential to what we're talking about in class.

This can take us nicely through a selection of strain rate dependent processes in volcanism--

The A&D paper presents the issue of rate dependent magma behavior, a nice example of strain rates and conduit behavior. Kieffer 1984 presents what is effectively a fluid dynamics treatment of rate dependent flow of a mixture of rock and gas. Ken's paper covers a variety of rate dependent issues after this high speed flow surges laterally above ground.

It's important to note that these papers are not a representative slice of physical volcanology papers. They are simply some examples of rate dependence in some volcanological phenomena.


Sunday, October 15, 2006


Melosh 2006 reading (SiO2 ANEOS)

Craig won't be able to make it to lead the Melosh 2006 MAPS discussion.

Any takers? When Craig gets back he'll be able to show some of the phase behavior of ANEOS, so it can be a partial discussion for now, and more later.


p.s. If I recall correctly Cathy is leading Melosh 2003, Shawn is leading Housen and Holsapple 1999, Nancy is leading Melosh Chapter 3, and Don is leading Melosh equation of state appendix... But unfortunately I forgot to write this down, so please comment to this entry if I got this wrong!!

Monday, October 02, 2006


Readings for Friday Oct 20

Since we have 2.5 weeks until the next class meeting -- due to conferences -- we will be discussing 6 readings Friday October 20. These should probably be read in the listed order. The first is an interesting follow-on to the fracture mechanics we just finished; the rest are an introduction to stress waves and shock waves in solids, and the methods of equations of state.

I can't emphasize enough that if this is your first encounter with these kinds of papers, a lot of it might not sink in until much later. It's all about repeated exposure -- or accumulation of cyclic strains until you crack! So in marking up your readings for discussion, remember there are no "wrong questions". (Well, "what were we supposed to read for today?" would be a wrong question.)

Melosh89.ch4.pdf especially 2nd half
Melosh 89.appx.pdf

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